Moving Company Pittsburgh
Unpacking for moving

How Long Will It Take Me to Pack Up My Home to Move?

Moving can be a daunting task, so you may be wondering how long it will actually take you to move. By determining how long the packing and moving process will take, you can better plan these tasks to ensure you are prepared when the move-in date arrives.

How Much Time Will I Spend Moving?

When it comes to packing your home for a move, the amount of time required largely depends on the size and complexity of your belongings. Generally speaking, larger residences tend to require more time to pack than smaller ones, as there are more items that need to be organized and secured for transport. Additionally, if you have a large number of delicate or fragile items, such as artwork, glassware, heirlooms, or electronics, then these can also add to the overall packing time.

Tips for Planning Your Move

When it comes to planning for your move, you should aim for at least two weeks of preparation in order to give yourself enough time to pack everything properly and efficiently. Here are some tips for ensuring that your packing process is organized and efficient:

• Start by sorting through all of your belongings. Take the time to go through each room in your home, separating items into three categories: items you’d like to keep, items you’d like to donate or sell, and items that can be thrown away. This will make the packing process easier and less time-consuming.

• Begin packing in advance of your moving date. Start with items that you are least likely to use, such as seasonal items or decorations, before tackling more essential objects that you’ll need in the days leading up to the move. This will give you plenty of time to finish packing the remaining items without feeling rushed.

• Label all of your boxes with a description of what is inside and where it will be going in your new home. This will make unpacking much easier, as you’ll have an idea of where each item should go before even touching it.

• Make sure to pack breakable items with plenty of cushioning. Wrap each item in bubble wrap or packing paper and use newspaper to fill any empty spaces inside the box. This will protect your belongings from damage during transit.

  • Schedule Which Rooms to Pack and When. Being aware of which rooms are the hardest and setting aside extra time for those will help you pack efficiently.

By following these steps, you can easily estimate how long it will take to pack up your home for a move. With careful planning, you can ensure your move progresses as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

Need Help Moving? Gardner Moving Can Help!

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the task of packing up your home for a move, remember that we offer professional moving services to help you with this process. Our experienced team of professional movers can provide the necessary labor and materials to ensure your belongings are safely packed and ready for transport.

If you’re looking for a reliable moving service, be sure to choose Gardner Moving! That way, you can rest assured that your precious items will be handled properly.

May 21, 2023

Schedule Your Move Today

The movers at Gardner Moving will take care of all the details surrounding your move. If you're ready for our movers to get to work, please give us a call today. We will be happy to provide you with a free, no-obligation in-home estimate.