Moving Company Pittsburgh
Moving During Winter

Winter Moving Tips

Most moving experiences occur in the summertime, with the major problem being the hot weather. On top of the uncomfortable weather conditions, moving in the summer can be expensive. Since it is a common time for moving, there is a high demand for professional moving services. This means there is no incentive for moving companies to lower their prices to gain a customer.

If you’re looking to save money, consider moving in the winter. While the weather may be cold, and there could be inclement weather, a professional moving company has the experience to handle these conditions.

At Gardener Moving, we’ve put together some winter moving tips to help make your movie easier for your family and your moving crew.

Have a Plan for Delays

Moving in the summer provides you with extra hours of daylight, whereas it begins to get dark around 4:30 pm in the winter. This means that what you think should only take a day may end up taking two days to complete due to the available daylight. Be realistic about your timeline and remain flexible if your move must be rescheduled due to harsh winter weather.

Keep Both Job Sites Safe

Moving during the winter means dealing with snow and ice. Make sure you clear the snow and salt or treat the walkways, driveways, and sidewalks of both job sites. This should be done before the movers arrive.

Organize. Organize. Organize.

No matter what time of year you are moving, being organized is crucial. Some basic organization tips include:

  • Label all boxes clearly
  • Begin reducing clutter and sorting your item as far ahead of the move as possible
  • Have a plan for where all your items will go in your new home

You will also want to keep certain items handy in your vehicle, including:

  • A few changes of clothes
  • Irreplaceable or priceless items
  • Important paperwork associated with your new home and your move
  • Laptops, computers, and other sensitive electronics
  • Pet supplies
  • Children’s toys, blankets, snacks
  • Toothbrushes and toothpaste
  • Try to do as much as you can in advance when preparing for a move. This will help take the stress off you and will make the entire process easier for everyone.

Protect Your Floors

Moving during the winter will track in dirt and mud that can ruin your new floor. To prevent any stains or damage, be sure to put down floor protection or ask your moving company if this is something they can provide.

Work with a Professional Moving Company

In inclement weather, it is best to work with a company that has the experience to safely transport and move your items into your new home. When seeking a moving company in Pittsburgh, Gardner Moving is your top choice. Our experienced team can handle your move in all weather conditions, equipped with the right tools and knowledge to get the job done.
Contact us today to schedule your winter move!

December 11, 2020

Schedule Your Move Today

The movers at Gardner Moving will take care of all the details surrounding your move. If you're ready for our movers to get to work, please give us a call today. We will be happy to provide you with a free, no-obligation in-home estimate.