Moving your belongings from one home to another can be overwhelming. Packing up your home and the sheer amount of work required is enough to worry even the most experienced home mover. If you’re moving with children in Pittsburgh, you’re going to be even busier while you clear out of one house and get set up in another! We have lots of tips that should help parents who are on the move.
You may be thinking, No, I’d rather not have my kids help! But they’re going to see a lot of upheavals, and for younger kids and special-needs kids, (or kids who would rather not leave), it could upset them. Giving them something to do, according to their age, makes them feel a part of the move. Here’s some advice for moving with children in Pittsburgh:
When it comes to toddlers, it’s best to keep their routine in mind while moving. Our first tip is to make time for snuggles and affection. Toddler-age children don’t care if everything is packed up yet or not; they want your attention. It’s important to make time for snuggles and playing even though you’re busy with the move. You also want to try to keep the critical parts of their routines on a schedule, such as their bedtime.
Explaining your move and how to do so will rely on how verbal your child is. Consider explaining with the help of their favorite stuffed animal, talking to it, and explaining that they will have a new house soon. You may also look at children’s books about moving and take time to read to them about it.
It is also important to make their room a priority. Wait to pack their room last, to maize interruption to their routine. Be sure to pack them with a bag of essentials they need for sleeping. When you arrive at your new home, unpack their room first.
While children this age may notice that a change is coming, they likely don’t understand all the steps that go into moving to a new home. One of the first things you should do is tell them about the move. Try to do so in a positive light by sharing reasons for them to be excited about the new house, such as a big yard for playing outside. If you’re able to, take your child to see the new home or show them pictures online to give them a better idea of the situation.
It’s also important to allow your child to help with packing. Have them pack up some of their games or toys, so they feel like they are participating in the move as well.
Making friends after the move is crucial for your child. Help coach them through approaching new kids at the playground at school or local swimming pool to help them boost their confidence and make friends more easily.
Older children have established close friendships, favorite teachers, and extracurricular activities they love. Moving away from their best friend or team can be very difficult for them. To help make it easier, try these tips:
If your child gets upset with you when you tell them about the move, try not to take it personally. Try to avoid getting angry back at them, and try to listen to their feelings and show them empathy. Explain to them that you are excited to move, but you’re going to miss your neighbors. If they hear what you’re going through, it may make it easier for them to express their feelings more easily.
Help your kids get closure. Offer them options to go hang out with their friends or help them make keepsakes for important friends or teachers they will miss. You may even consider setting up an email account for your child, so they can stay in touch with their friends. This will allow them to keep in touch easily, sending notes and photos. They can also use Zoom or Skype to speak with their friends, and you can take the time to plan trips to visit their friends to help goodbye feel less permanent.
If you have little ones, you’ll get a lot more work done when you’re uninterrupted. Ask a family member to take your kids back to their house, or out for the night. While they’re enjoying pizza and a movie, you can pack for hours and plow through your to-do list. Another option is to hire a babysitter and have them stay on one level of your home while you work on another. You can also have them go outside with the sitter. Bonus: They’ll be worn out and want to take a nap when they come back inside.
You may be tempted to save money by not buying food that you’re not going to want to transport. For adults, that would be fine. Kids may hate it, though. If they go through a certain amount of milk in a week, keep buying it so that they don’t feel like their diet is changing, too. They’ll be happier, fed, and will make it easier on you, in the long run.
Moving is an emotional experience: cleaning out your belongings, deciding what to keep and what to donate or throw away, packing everything properly, and then moving from your beloved home into a new one is tedious, tiring, and exciting. Your kids are experiencing the same emotions, and if you have younger kids, they may not know how to react. If the weather is nice out, try to get them outside to a playground to have some fun.
Reliable, professional movers will make your move less stressful. Gardner Moving has been making moves easier on families since 1914 and was even featured in Moving written by Mr. Rogers. Call them today to learn how they can assist your family during the move.