Moving Company Pittsburgh
Movers Loading Moving Van

Should I Hire Movers?

When it comes to moving, there are a variety of decisions you need to make. From choosing a realtor and picking a house to buy to choosing which furniture and other items to move, the choices can be challenging.

In addition to these choices, you also have to decide if you plan to take on your move by yourself or if you want to hire local movers to get the job done. This choice will depend on your budget, how close you are to your new home, and your overall personality and preferences.

Cons of DIY Moving

While moving without professional help can save you money, moving all of your furniture and belongings is no simple task. Cons of moving on your own include:

Lots of Heavy Lifting

For many people, the heavy lifting is the worst part of the move. Although you may have a group of strong friends to help carry the load, moving all the boxes and awkward pieces of furniture will not be an easy feat, especially if you have to carry your items upstairs or through narrow hallways. Without the right experience, you and your friends could end up denting or scratching the walls when moving bigger furniture such as a bed or a couch, creating more work for yourself in the long run.

DIY Coordinating is Challenging

While there is planning that goes into hiring a Pittsburgh moving company, it is not as daunting as attempting to coordinate your entire move on your own. When doing a move yourself, you have to plan out everything from the logistics of how you are getting all of your stuff from your old place to the new one. You will also have to determine the best way to load the moving truck, choosing what goes in first and last and how they should be arranged to maximize the space and keep items from being broken in transport.
Handling Unexpected Issues

If you encounter an issue such as your bed or couch getting stuck in your front door, you may end up wasting half the day trying to resolve the issue. Professional movers are equipped with specialized knowledge and moving tools that can prevent or resolve certain moving snags, and keep your move going smoothly.

Pros of Hiring Professional Movers

No Need for Heavy Lifting

Your professional team of movers will handle all of the heavy lifting without scratching your floors, damaging walls, or forcing you to try to recruit friends and family to assist. It is also safer since they are trained to lift heavy items properly, whereas you could be at risk of straining your muscles or becoming injured. This allows you to focus on watching your children or pets and focusing on other important parts of your move.

Leave the Planning to the Movers

Unlike friends or family who could get caught up with work or their personal life and not show up to help you move, your movers will be under contract to assist you with all parts of your move. They will have the proper moving supplies and equipment and will know how to best plan out the move, load the truck, etc. You won’t have to burden yourself with all the little details when you work with a reputable moving company, saving you lots of moving hours and stress.

Keep the Stress Away

When you hire movers, you can get rid of a lot of the common moving stresses such as buying packing materials, renting additional equipment, loading the truck, etc. Movers also take away the stress of having to drive a huge moving truck down the highway and through side streets. If the idea of driving a moving truck or navigating a trailer down the highway stress you out, hiring professional movers will be your best course of action.

Professional Movers in Pittsburgh

Gardner Moving is proud to be Pittsburgh’s moving company. Our team of local movers will work with you to ensure all of your items are moved safely and efficiently. Learn how we can help you save time and eliminate stress for your big move by reading more of our moving tips and contacting us today!

June 9, 2020

Schedule Your Move Today

The movers at Gardner Moving will take care of all the details surrounding your move. If you're ready for our movers to get to work, please give us a call today. We will be happy to provide you with a free, no-obligation in-home estimate.